Cerebras news and trends

Cerebras: Enterprise AI Success Driven by Data, Domain Expertise and Collaboration
Artificial Intelligence // February 09, 2024

Artificial intelligence compute products are in short supply and facing hot demand. Generative AI, which has moved at a rapid clip from corporate research laboratories and academic nonprofits to the forefront of the commercial landscape, has subsequently seen demand for AI application acceleration rise. “The...

UAE Launches Bilingual Gen AI Named Jais
artificial intelligence // August 31, 2023

Today’s large language models (LLMs) aren’t actually trained on that large a set of languages. For the most part, the vernacular vehicle underlying the generative artificial intelligence (AI) platforms operating right now is the language that dominates the content AI models train themselves on: English....

Interviews & Exclusives
Cerebras: Enterprise AI Success Driven by Data, Domain Expertise and Collaboration

February 09, 2024
Artificial intelligence compute products are in short supply and facing hot demand. Generative AI, which has moved at a rapid clip from corporate research laboratories and academic nonprofits to the forefront of the commercial landscape, has subsequently seen demand for AI application acceleration rise. “The ChatGPT light bulb went off in everybody’s head, and it […]