Chaser news and trends

Chaser Deploys AI to Predict Best Times for Payment Reminders
artificial intelligence // August 02, 2023

Chaser, a global accounts receivables (AR) platform and credit control service provider, has launched an artificial intelligence (AI)-powered “recommended chasing times” feature designed to help businesses optimize collections efforts and improve cash flow. This new feature uses AI to predict the best times for businesses...

Chaser Launches API to Ease Integration of AR Management Tools 
Accounts Receivable // January 17, 2023

Chaser has launched an application programming interface (API) for its accounts receivable (AR) management tools. With the new Chaser API, small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) can integrate Chaser’s AR management tools with their enterprise resource planning (ERP), customer relationship management (CRM) or accounting system, Chaser...

Small Businesses Turn to Automation To Deal With Growing Late Payments Problem
B2B Payments // December 08, 2021

While it’s certainly necessary, chasing down payments and corralling them has never been a glamourous job. But lately, a variety of factors has made the process less pleasant than ever. Clearly, the function is ripe for automation — and companies of all sizes have been...

B2B Payments Today: AI Digs Deep Into AP; Lloyds And Visa Enable Corporate Card STP
B2B Payments // August 04, 2021

Today in B2B payments, eyes the future of artificial intelligence (AI) in accounts payable (AP), and Lloyds teams with Visa on straight-through processing for corporate cards. Plus, SimpliFi discusses corporate Cards-as-a-Service, Nexelus launches an AP solution, and Chaser debuts embedded credit checks. Artificial Intelligence...

Quick Reads
Chaser Promotes SMS Payment Reminders by Absorbing Processing Costs

January 03, 2024
Chaser, a global accounts receivable (AR) platform and credit control service provider, is promoting the adoption of SMS payment reminders by enabling businesses to pay nothing for SMS usage from January to June 2024. During this time, the company will absorb the costs associated with processing SMS, Chaser CEO Sonia Dorais said in a Wednesday (Jan. 3) blog post. “By […]

Chaser Deploys AI to Predict Best Times for Payment Reminders

August 02, 2023
Chaser, a global accounts receivables (AR) platform and credit control service provider, has launched an artificial intelligence (AI)-powered “recommended chasing times” feature designed to help businesses optimize collections efforts and...

Chaser Launches API to Ease Integration of AR Management Tools 

January 17, 2023
Chaser has launched an application programming interface (API) for its accounts receivable (AR) management tools. With the new Chaser API, small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) can integrate Chaser’s AR management...