Christian Laforte news and trends

Stability AI CEO Resigns and Calls for ‘Transparent’ AI Governance
artificial intelligence // March 24, 2024

Stability AI’s founder and CEO has resigned to pursue decentralized artificial intelligence (AI). Emad Mostaque has stepped down as the AI firm’s chief executive and from the company’s board, Stability announced Friday (March 22) on the company’s blog.  “I am proud two years after bringing on our first...

Quick Reads
Stability AI Secures ‘Significant’ Investment, Names CEO, Executive Chairman

June 25, 2024
Stability AI said Tuesday (June 25) that it secured “significant” new funding from an investment group and appointed a new CEO and a new executive chairman. The new capital and leadership will accelerate the company’s growth and ability to deliver generative artificial intelligence (AI) products, Stability AI said in a Tuesday press release. The firm’s […]

Stability AI CEO Resigns and Calls for ‘Transparent’ AI Governance

March 24, 2024
Stability AI’s founder and CEO has resigned to pursue decentralized artificial intelligence (AI). Emad Mostaque has stepped down as the AI firm’s chief executive and from the company’s board, Stability announced Friday (March...