Computer news and trends

Apple’s New Mac Pro To Debut In December
Retail // November 13, 2019

Apple’s Mac Pro, which according to some reports is the tech giant’s most powerful computer, will debut in December at a retail price of $5,999. CNBC reports that the starting price does not include a display. The 6K Pro Display XDR will be available to accompany...

Facebook Tests Wearable ‘Brain-Reading’ Device
Facebook // July 30, 2019

Facebook revealed that it is making progress on developing its brain-reading computer. The social media giant announced the program in 2017. “We are working on a system that will let people type with their brains,” the company said at the time. “Specifically, we have a...

Google’s DeepMind Is Breaking Voice Barriers
Innovation // September 09, 2016

Artificial intelligence (AI) is getting super-intelligent these days. While Amazon’s Alexa already doesn’t need your voice to function, Google now says its DeepMind unit has crafted a system for machine-generated speech that’s so smart it outperforms the existing technology by at least 50 percent. This...

Quick Reads
SBA Computer System Crash Further Tangles PPP Loan Process

April 07, 2020
The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) introduced April 3 is experiencing more setbacks as the Small Business Administration (SBA) works to solve computer system problems, according to a report in Politico on Monday (April 6). The PPP is a $350 billion small business loan program that is part of the $2 trillion Coronavirus Aid, Relie and […]

Apple’s New Mac Pro To Debut In December

November 13, 2019
Apple’s Mac Pro, which according to some reports is the tech giant’s most powerful computer, will debut in December at a retail price of $5,999. CNBC reports that the starting...

Facebook Tests Wearable ‘Brain-Reading’ Device

July 30, 2019
Facebook revealed that it is making progress on developing its brain-reading computer. The social media giant announced the program in 2017. “We are working on a system that will let...