Congressional Hearing news and trends

Uber And Lyft Skip Congressional Hearing
Ridesharing // October 16, 2019

Ride-hailing companies Uber and Lyft decided not to attend a U.S. House of Representatives meeting on subjects affecting the industry, even as they were officially requested to do so. Both companies were asked to participate in a House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee inquiry held on...

Big Tech Antitrust Hearings Begin With Scrutiny Of Media Industry
Regulation // June 12, 2019

And so the long look at Big Tech begins. Lawmakers held the first of several hearings into the marketplace power of online platforms such as Facebook and Google Tuesday (June 11). The hearing is and was the first of many that seek to delve into...

SAFE Banking Act Gains Cannabis-Friendly Spotlight In Congress
AML // February 14, 2019

Legal marijuana sellers want bank accounts just like any other business. Over the last two years, more than $500 million worth of cash deposits from the legitimate cannabis business has flowed into Maps Credit Union in Salem, Oregon. But that’s the exception. Despite 47 states...

Mark Zuckerberg Faced Tougher Questions On Facebook’s Future In Day Two On The Hill
Facebook // April 12, 2018

It was the House’s turn yesterday to put Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg on the hot seat as he faced another five hours of questions from lawmakers. The topics of discussion were similar.  Over the course of today’s hearing, Zuckerberg faced another round of questions about...

Quick Reads
Biden Wants Tougher Penalties for Bank Executives; HFSC Announces Hearing

March 17, 2023
The investigations into recent bank failures are just beginning. President Joe Biden released a statement Friday (March 17) calling on Congress to impose tougher penalties on senior bank executives whose mismanagement contributed to their institutions failing, saying this would strengthen accountability and deter mismanagement in the future. “The law limits the administration’s authority to hold executives responsible,” […]

Uber And Lyft Skip Congressional Hearing

October 16, 2019
Ride-hailing companies Uber and Lyft decided not to attend a U.S. House of Representatives meeting on subjects affecting the industry, even as they were officially requested to do so. Both...

Mark Zuckerberg Faced Tougher Questions On Facebook’s Future In Day Two On The Hill

April 12, 2018
It was the House’s turn yesterday to put Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg on the hot seat as he faced another five hours of questions from lawmakers. The topics of discussion...

Uber Hackers Hailed From Canada And Florida

February 07, 2018
The hackers behind the 2016 data breach of rideshare startup firm Uber were located in Canada and Florida, according to Reuters reports published Tuesday (Feb. 6). The breach, which impacted...