Connected Technology news and trends

Signify US CEO (Formerly Philips Lighting): Lighting Up The Connected Economy’s Innovations
Innovation // February 24, 2020

Founded as Philips Lighting 128 years ago and spun off as Signify in 2016, the company today considers the sun to be its primary competitor in the illumination market. And, as its U.S. CEO Roger Karner tells Karen Webster, its next big challenge is helping...

Cybercrime’s New Stomping Grounds: Smart Cities
Innovation // February 03, 2020

For at least the last five years — futurists and smart technology boosters have been touting the inevitable rise of the smart city. The smart city’s biggest fans predict that living in a fully integrated connected environment will change how we commute, how we shop, how we pay our...

Is Connected Tech Making Store Shelving Too Smart?
Retail // October 28, 2019

In the annals of favored retail buzzwords over the last half-decade ago, “personalized” has risen to the top of the pack, usually paired with the other perennial favorite of the last few years: “experience.” The customer hasn’t just come to the store to buy something, the...

Tradeshift Acquires Babelway For Supply Chain Connectivity
B2B Payments // December 19, 2018

Tradeshift, a company that provides supply chain payments and digitization solutions, announced the acquisition of partner Babelway on Tuesday (Dec. 18). Babelway enables businesses to adopt the cloud and integrate their various systems with each other. Merging with Tradeshift will enable companies to access Babelway...

Interviews & Exclusives
Signify US CEO (Formerly Philips Lighting): Lighting Up The Connected Economy’s Innovations

February 24, 2020
Founded as Philips Lighting 128 years ago and spun off as Signify in 2016, the company today considers the sun to be its primary competitor in the illumination market. And, as its U.S. CEO Roger Karner tells Karen Webster, its next big challenge is helping to light up the connected economy. It’s about more than the tech making it happen, he says — it’s also about building the legion of use cases that make it relevant.

Cybercrime’s New Stomping Grounds: Smart Cities

February 03, 2020
For at least the last five years — futurists and smart technology boosters have been touting the inevitable rise of the smart city. The smart city’s biggest fans predict that...