Construction Spending news and trends

Construction Spending Rises 13.9% YoY in December
Economy // February 01, 2024

Construction spending increased in December, with both the private and public sectors making gains. Overall, construction spending totaled $2,096.0 billion in December, 0.9% higher than November and 13.9% higher than December 2022, the U.S. Census Bureau said in a Thursday (Feb. 1) press release. The...

Declines In Construction Spending Could Slow Overall U.S. Economic Growth
B2B Payments // October 02, 2014

Construction spending in the U.S. construction fell in August, after a slight increase in July.  The 0.8 percent decline was the second fall off in the last three months and weakness was spread across all three major sectors—residential, non-residential and government projects, reports The Associated Press....

Quick Reads
US Construction Spending Sees Unexpected Drop in March

May 01, 2024
Construction spending in the U.S. declined unexpectedly in March after being unchanged in February. Data from the Census Bureau released Wednesday (May 1) showed spending at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of $2.083 trillion, 0.2% below the revised February estimate of $2.087 trillion. A report by Reuters notes the dip was unexpected, as economists polled by the news organization had […]

Construction Spending Rises 13.9% YoY in December

February 01, 2024
Construction spending increased in December, with both the private and public sectors making gains. Overall, construction spending totaled $2,096.0 billion in December, 0.9% higher than November and 13.9% higher than...