Credit Du Nord news and trends

Today In Digital-First Banking: Open Banking Provider Fabrick Teams With Nets; Societe Generale, Credit du...
Digital-First Banking // December 08, 2020

In today’s top news in digital-first banking, open banking provider Fabrick is collaborating with instant payments company Nets, while Societe Generale and Credit du Nord have approved a plan to combine their retail banking operations. Plus, Social Finance (SoFi) is reportedly in talks about selling...

France’s Societe Generale, Credit du Nord To Merge, Ramp Up Digital Banking
Banking // December 07, 2020

Societe Generale (SocGen) and Credit du Nord, both based in Paris, have approved a plan to merge their retail banking operations, the banks said in a Monday (Dec. 7) press release. In addition, SocGen said, the plan is to beef up Boursorama, a retail digital banking operation...

Interviews & Exclusives
EU Banks Risk Losing Customer Focus as They Reorganize

January 10, 2023
Europe’s retail banking sector is battling weak consumer sentiment and the threat of loan defaults. To curb losses and adapt to a difficult consumer credit environment, some European banks have opted to restructure. Most recently, BNP Paribas is reported to be considering different options for a major overhaul of its consumer finance unit. The news […]

Quick Reads
France’s Societe Generale, Credit du Nord To Merge, Ramp Up Digital Banking

December 07, 2020
Societe Generale (SocGen) and Credit du Nord, both based in Paris, have approved a plan to merge their retail banking operations, the banks said in a Monday (Dec. 7) press release. In addition, SocGen said, the plan is to beef up Boursorama, a retail digital banking operation catering to individuals. The release said that, “from a financial […]