Creditworthiness news and trends

Nearly Half of 2023’s Paycheck-to-Paycheck Consumers Had Super-Prime Credit Scores
Consumer Finance // December 19, 2023

Many people are resorting to credit cards to navigate difficult financial times, especially as the rising prices of goods and services continues to weigh on U.S. consumers’ wallets this holiday season.  In “The Credit Card Use Deep Dive Edition” of the “New Reality Check: The Paycheck-to-Paycheck...

Apple Debuts Credit Improvement Program For Declined Card Applicants
Apple // June 29, 2020

Apple is launching a “Path to Apple Card” program intended to help declined Apple Card applicants improve their credit worthiness, according to reports. The program will start popping up as an optional method for those who want to get an Apple Card but didn’t have...

Regulators Support Alternatives To Assess Creditworthiness
Regulation // December 04, 2019

Federal banking regulators support using alternative methods to assess creditworthiness to help high-risk people get loans, The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported on Tuesday (Dec. 3).  Instead of using traditional credit scores, lenders can look at alternative data like borrowers’ cash flow. This approach “may...

Quick Reads
Apple Debuts Credit Improvement Program For Declined Card Applicants

June 29, 2020
Apple is launching a “Path to Apple Card” program intended to help declined Apple Card applicants improve their credit worthiness, according to reports. The program will start popping up as an optional method for those who want to get an Apple Card but didn’t have the required credit score. Then, they can choose to opt […]

Regulators Support Alternatives To Assess Creditworthiness

December 04, 2019
Federal banking regulators support using alternative methods to assess creditworthiness to help high-risk people get loans, The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported on Tuesday (Dec. 3).  Instead of using traditional...