Cryptocurrency Startups news and trends

Despite Regulation, ICOs Raise Nearly $12B Through May
Investments // July 02, 2018

Despite a regulation crackdown and other issues, investors have continued to fund cryptocurrency startups in 2018, with ICOs raising $11.8 billion this year through May. According to a Wall Street Journal analysis of nearly 900 offerings listed on, that is more than double the $5.5...

Wyoming ‘Crypto Cowboys’ Utilize Blockchain
Blockchain // July 02, 2018

As many U.S. states are trying to figure out how to utilize blockchain, one state wants to be at the forefront of the cryptocurrency revolution. According to the Financial Times, Wyoming is currently the only state that has legislation enabling it to create a framework for...

Bitcoin Investors Lured With Fraud And Fake ICOs
Bitcoin // May 18, 2018

Bitcoin buyers beware: A new report in The Wall Street Journal has found hundreds of tech firms are using deceptive or fraudulent tactics to attract investors. After reviewing 1,450 documents downloaded from three popular websites that track coin offerings, the Wall Street Journal discovered 271...

Quick Reads
Insurance Firms See Opportunity In Crypto Market

July 20, 2018
As crypto gains more acceptance — and also deals with a record number of hacks — insurance companies are getting into the game. But according to Bloomberg, the premiums from insuring the risk can be substantial. In fact, it’s been reported that underwriters can charge a crypto-related company as much as five times more than […]

Despite Regulation, ICOs Raise Nearly $12B Through May

July 02, 2018
Despite a regulation crackdown and other issues, investors have continued to fund cryptocurrency startups in 2018, with ICOs raising $11.8 billion this year through May. According to a Wall Street Journal...

Wyoming ‘Crypto Cowboys’ Utilize Blockchain

July 02, 2018
As many U.S. states are trying to figure out how to utilize blockchain, one state wants to be at the forefront of the cryptocurrency revolution. According to the Financial Times, Wyoming...

Bitcoin Investors Lured With Fraud And Fake ICOs

May 18, 2018
Bitcoin buyers beware: A new report in The Wall Street Journal has found hundreds of tech firms are using deceptive or fraudulent tactics to attract investors. After reviewing 1,450 documents...