Customer Churn news and trends

80% of Failed Subscription Payments Not the Customer’s Fault
Subscription Commerce // May 02, 2023

New data shows that top-performing subscription providers recover 22% more revenue on average for each payment recovery method used. As subscription businesses navigate customer retention challenges and increase lifetime value (LTV), understanding the root causes of failed subscription payments is essential. By moving from a...

Subscription Businesses That Measure Lifetime Customer Value Outperform Competitors
Subscription Commerce // January 09, 2023

PYMNTS’ latest research on the subscription industry reveals that firms that track and manage customer lifetime value (LTV) are five times more likely to be top performers at minimizing revenue loss due to failed payments. While most subscription firms track metrics such as customer churn...

PYMNTS Intelligence: Retaining Subscribers With Seamless Payments and Customer Journeys
Subscription Commerce // November 08, 2022

The popularity of subscription-based services skyrocketed over the last several years, propelled by the multitude of consumers staying at home during the pandemic. The average consumer spent $273 monthly on subscriptions in 2021, up from $237 in 2018 — a 15% increase amounting to an...

Subscriptions Play Dual Role for Primary Healthcare Providers
Subscription Commerce // November 04, 2022

Subscription-based services soared as consumers sought access to goods, services and entertainment during the pandemic. Lately, however, subscriptions have seen a downturn due to inflation, with the percentage of United States consumers with subscriptions dropping from 47% in 2020 to 41% in 2021. A recent...

Interviews & Exclusives
Subscription Merchants See Failed Payments Spike Churn Rates

August 02, 2023
When the subscription industry’s customers experience failed payments, it can directly lead to churn, PYMNTS research reveals, prompting merchants to lose out on hundreds of millions of dollars. For PYMNTS’ study “Tracking Failed Payments,” created in collaboration with failed payment recovery solution provider FlexPay, we surveyed 200 executives to better understand the relationship between failed payments […]

80% of Failed Subscription Payments Not the Customer’s Fault

May 02, 2023
New data shows that top-performing subscription providers recover 22% more revenue on average for each payment recovery method used. As subscription businesses navigate customer retention challenges and increase lifetime value...

Subscription Businesses That Measure Lifetime Customer Value Outperform Competitors

January 09, 2023
PYMNTS’ latest research on the subscription industry reveals that firms that track and manage customer lifetime value (LTV) are five times more likely to be top performers at minimizing revenue...

Subscriptions Play Dual Role for Primary Healthcare Providers

November 04, 2022
Subscription-based services soared as consumers sought access to goods, services and entertainment during the pandemic. Lately, however, subscriptions have seen a downturn due to inflation, with the percentage of United...