Customer Lifetime Value news and trends

To Stop Cancellations, Subscription Companies Can Fight Failed Payments and Fraud
Subscription Commerce // February 21, 2023

In what’s already becoming another tumultuous economic year, direct-to-consumer (D2C) businesses may want to prioritize the prevention of two things: failed payments and fraud. 2023 has already been particularly tough for subscription companies, with 48% of businesses in the sector expecting challenges in attracting new...

Subscription Businesses That Measure Lifetime Customer Value Outperform Competitors
Subscription Commerce // January 09, 2023

PYMNTS’ latest research on the subscription industry reveals that firms that track and manage customer lifetime value (LTV) are five times more likely to be top performers at minimizing revenue loss due to failed payments. While most subscription firms track metrics such as customer churn...

Retail KPIs Get Worked Over For Customer Experience
Retail // March 02, 2020

Retailers may be focused on the wrong metrics. That’s one of the conclusions from a poll of top marketers from Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business. While retailers have to be concerned about comparative sales, consumer spend and ticket size, Christine Moorman, a Fuqua marketing professor...

Interviews & Exclusives
Subscription Merchants See Failed Payments Spike Churn Rates

August 02, 2023
When the subscription industry’s customers experience failed payments, it can directly lead to churn, PYMNTS research reveals, prompting merchants to lose out on hundreds of millions of dollars. For PYMNTS’ study “Tracking Failed Payments,” created in collaboration with failed payment recovery solution provider FlexPay, we surveyed 200 executives to better understand the relationship between failed payments […]

Subscription Businesses That Measure Lifetime Customer Value Outperform Competitors

January 09, 2023
PYMNTS’ latest research on the subscription industry reveals that firms that track and manage customer lifetime value (LTV) are five times more likely to be top performers at minimizing revenue...