Cyber Hack news and trends

Nets Alerts Local Banks Of Data Breach

October 27, 2016
Fed ‘Lapse’ Details Emerge In Bangladesh Bank Heist Case
Security & Fraud // March 22, 2016

News continues to circulate around the $101 Bangladesh bank heist that’s been catching headlines for the past two weeks. On Tuesday (March 22) officials in the Philippines reported that they have filed two criminal complaints against two businessmen believed to be the leaders of the heist...

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Nets Alerts Local Banks Of Data Breach

October 27, 2016
Danish payment processor Nets notified local banks and international card schemes on Wednesday (Oct. 26) of a data breach that could have impacted 100,000 credit cards. According to a report, Nets thinks the breach was linked to one internet retailer overseas. It has alerted local banks to replace the cards. “By replacing possibly compromised cards […]