Cybertheft news and trends

US Ambassador: China Aims to Steal Intellectual Property About AI
artificial intelligence // June 21, 2023

China is likely to try to steal intellectual property about artificial intelligence (AI), a U.S. ambassador said Wednesday (June 21). Nathaniel Fick, ambassador at large for cyberspace and digital policy, said at a Hudson Institute forum that China built wireless networks and become globally competitive by way...

UN Says North Korea Stole Record Amount of Crypto in 2022
Cryptocurrency // February 07, 2023

The United Nations says North Korea stole a record amount of cryptocurrency assets last year. As Reuters reported Tuesday (Feb. 7), a confidential UN report says that North Korea targeted the networks of foreign aerospace and defense companies. The report claims North Korea used “increasingly...

Hackers Exploit Ethereum Address Weakness, Grab Nearly $1M
Cryptocurrency // September 26, 2022

Around $950,000 in cryptocurrency has been stolen from an Ethereum address, exploiting a vulnerability similar to another recent attack on market maker Wintermute that took $160 million, a report from Decrypt said Monday (Sept. 26). The hacker stole 732 Ethereum on Sept. 25, then transferred...

Seth Green’s Kidnapped Bored Ape Shows NFTs’ Growing Commercialization
NFTs // May 25, 2022

Actor Seth Green’s plans to turn his Bored Ape NFT into a TV show have apparently crashed and burned just weeks before its launch after a scammer stole the non-fungible token — and possibly the commercial rights that come with it. Green, owner of the...

Quick Reads
Rise of AI-Powered Deepfake Imposter Scams Threatens Individuals and Banks

August 22, 2023
Deepfake technology, powered by artificial intelligence (AI), is reportedly becoming a favored tool for criminals engaged in imposter scams, posing a significant threat to individuals and the banking industry. This surge in cybertheft and financial scams has prompted regulators, law enforcement agencies and financial institutions to take urgent action to protect consumers, Bloomberg reported Tuesday (Aug. […]

US Ambassador: China Aims to Steal Intellectual Property About AI

June 21, 2023
China is likely to try to steal intellectual property about artificial intelligence (AI), a U.S. ambassador said Wednesday (June 21). Nathaniel Fick, ambassador at large for cyberspace and digital policy,...

UN Says North Korea Stole Record Amount of Crypto in 2022

February 07, 2023
The United Nations says North Korea stole a record amount of cryptocurrency assets last year. As Reuters reported Tuesday (Feb. 7), a confidential UN report says that North Korea targeted...

Hackers Exploit Ethereum Address Weakness, Grab Nearly $1M

September 26, 2022
Around $950,000 in cryptocurrency has been stolen from an Ethereum address, exploiting a vulnerability similar to another recent attack on market maker Wintermute that took $160 million, a report from...