Dall E news and trends

OpenAI to Implement Digital Credentials to Prevent Misuse in Elections 
Artificial Intelligence // January 15, 2024

OpenAI is taking steps to prevent the misuse or exploitation of its artificial intelligence (AI) technology in upcoming global elections.  The company is continuously updating its approach to address the challenges associated with the use of AI tools in elections, OpenAI said in a Monday...

Google’s Latest AI Plans: Incorporating AI into 25 Products
artificial intelligence // May 31, 2023

Google has been making waves in the tech industry with its latest artificial intelligence (AI) plans, which include integrating AI into 25 products, such as Search Generative Experience (SGE) and Help Me Write.  However, the former safety chief at Google, Arjun Narayan, has raised concerns...

Stripe Says It’s Building the Payments Foundation for Tomorrow’s AI Economy
artificial intelligence // March 16, 2023

How do you effectively monetize artificial intelligence (AI) tools that can do anything? With a payments foundation that can support everything they do, Emily Glassberg Sands, Stripe’s head of information and data science, told PYMNTS CEO Karen Webster. The context was news reported by PYMNTS...

Interviews & Exclusives
Stripe Says It’s Building the Payments Foundation for Tomorrow’s AI Economy

March 16, 2023
How do you effectively monetize artificial intelligence (AI) tools that can do anything? With a payments foundation that can support everything they do, Emily Glassberg Sands, Stripe’s head of information and data science, told PYMNTS CEO Karen Webster. The context was news reported by PYMNTS March 15 that ChatGPT creator OpenAI will use Stripe’s financial infrastructure platform […]

Quick Reads
OpenAI to Implement Digital Credentials to Prevent Misuse in Elections 

January 15, 2024
OpenAI is taking steps to prevent the misuse or exploitation of its artificial intelligence (AI) technology in upcoming global elections.  The company is continuously updating its approach to address the challenges associated with the use of AI tools in elections, OpenAI said in a Monday (Jan. 15) blog post.  One of OpenAI’s key initiatives is […]