Dao news and trends

Founders Unite to Connect African Tech Community, Plug Funding Gap
Technology // November 10, 2022

Although African startups secured close to $5 billion in venture capital (VC) funding in 2021, double of what was raised year-on-year (YoY), it still pales in comparison to the $621 billion raised globally last year. While entrepreneurs are not lacking on the continent, the challenge...

$2 Billion Self-Hack Highlights DeFi’s Slow Crisis Reaction Problem
Cryptocurrency // November 04, 2022

Decentralized finance has a control problem it must solve if it is to become the economic force supporters believe — and opponents fear — that it can become. And fear they do. In March, Deloitte wrote that in DeFi “traditional financial services face a potentially...

Platforms Turn To Swiss Crypto Banks To Bridge Digital, Traditional Assets
Cryptocurrency // October 10, 2022

With a collateral pool of digital assets worth about $10.5 billion, MakerDAO, the Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) that administers the DAI cryptocurrency, has become an important force in the Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and wider crypto ecosystem. Read more: Dai or Die: ‘Payment Stablecoins’ and Why...

SushiSwap Plans Reveal Top-Heavy Side of DeFi Governance
Cryptocurrency // October 05, 2022

Decentralized finance’s (DeFi’s) reign as a crypto-libertarian tool of bypassing government control of finance took another step toward the ash heap of history this week as a leading DeFi project moved to incorporate in Panama. SushiSwap, a leading decentralized exchange (DEX) and crypto lending platform...

Interviews & Exclusives
Jury Still Out as Web3 Takes Shape

September 26, 2022
When you get past the marketing hype and dig down into what Web3 actually is, it’s hard not to ask whether it’s a real revolution that’s going to remake the internet or simply a far more successful rebranding of blockchain technology. In a report released Monday (Sept. 26), “Web3 beyond the hype,” consulting giant McKinsey […]

Quick Reads
Computer Scientists Poke Holes In Machine-Run VC Firm

June 07, 2016
Wired reports that machines have yet to beat the human mind — at least when it comes to venture capital. The Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), which is a network of technology that operates much on the same principle as bitcoin, has been a bust, so far. Put money to work with the VC firm, and the […]