Darren Parslow news and trends

Visa: Digital DNA Forges Great Companies During Tough Times
B2B Payments // November 08, 2022

Up until quite recently, treasurers and chief financial officers (CFOs) didn’t see any pressing need to go digital. “Three years ago,” Global Head of Visa Business Solutions Darren Parslow told Karen Webster of the embrace of new tech, “it was number six on the ‘top...

Interviews & Exclusives
Visa’s Parslow Says High Cost of Credit Forces CFOs to Seek New Working Capital Options

September 13, 2023
Chief financial officers are facing pressure to reexamine the sources of cash in the corporate coffer — and how that cash is used, Darren Parslow, global head of Visa Business Solutions, noted in a recent interview.  “Everyone’s calculating the cost of capital,” Parslow told PYMNTS’ Karen Webster, “and calculating the cost of working capital, too, and working […]