Every time you swipe a credit card, click on a website or carry your phone, you leave behind digital breadcrumbs. For most people, this trail of data seems insignificant. But to a growing army of analysts, it’s a potential goldmine. Welcome to the world of...
With Small Business Week coming up April 29, it’s a good time to focus on the restaurant sector, because according to industry data, 90% of restaurants meet the criteria. In fact, 70% of them are single-unit operations. And when you’re dealing with the changing dining and payment preferences of...
Consumer debt in the United States grew in 2020 at its sharpest rate in more than a decade, reaching close to $15 trillion. The reason is not difficult to surmise: the pandemic led to millions of lost jobs and other adverse impacts. Yet, this has...
There is a great deal of economic uncertainty in the world today, as many banking managers and executives are acutely aware. These circumstances have brought to the fore what has long been a central concern for lenders: assessing and managing credit risk. This vital task...
June 24, 2024
Every time you swipe a credit card, click on a website or carry your phone, you leave behind digital breadcrumbs. For most people, this trail of data seems insignificant. But to a growing army of analysts, it’s a potential goldmine. Welcome to the world of data mining, where researchers sift through mountains of information to […]
April 26, 2024
With Small Business Week coming up April 29, it’s a good time to focus on the restaurant sector, because according to industry data, 90% of restaurants meet the criteria. In fact, 70% of them...
April 24, 2020
There is a great deal of economic uncertainty in the world today, as many banking managers and executives are acutely aware. These circumstances have brought to the fore what has...
November 21, 2018
It’s the age of algorithms, but not all algorithms are the same — and not all of them constitute true AI. A new PYMNTS report finds that FIs have adopted...
December 18, 2019
Starting Jan.1, the California Consumer Privacy Act will give people control over the personal information companies collect, store and share, the Associated Press reported on Wednesday (Dec. 18). The law’s complex requirements kick in regardless if a company doesn’t deal directly with consumers. The law concerns companies that conduct business in California and includes out-of-state […]
August 20, 2018
Via LinkedIn, data is everywhere, at least for economists and academics. Bloomberg reported that LinkedIn (owned by Microsoft) is allowing access to its data so that it can be used...
June 09, 2017
Addepar, the provider of data collection and monitoring services for the financial industry, has reportedly raised $140 million in venture funding. According to a report in TechCrunch, the venture capital...
June 08, 2017
The relationship between journalists and public relations professionals has seen its ups and downs over the years. PR professionals do their best to present clients as thought leaders (and perhaps...