Data Ownership news and trends

AI Regulations Need to Target Data Provenance and Protect Privacy
artificial intelligence // April 11, 2023

The speed with which AI is radically transforming global economies has not escaped regulators’ attention. As fears continue to grow over the potential use-case implications of artificial intelligence (AI), lawmakers around the world are preparing to establish the appropriate legal frameworks to contain it. The...

Banks Kept On Their Toes By Dizzying Data Management Regulations
B2B Payments // December 05, 2017

Data management is becoming an increasingly pressing concern for most financial institutions, as bank regulations continue to shift around the globe, according to new research. A report released last week by Wolters Kluwer’s Finance, Risk & Reporting, developed in conjunction with, surveyed banks across...

Quick Reads
OpenAI Unveils ChatGPT Tool With Enterprise-Grade Security and Privacy

August 28, 2023
OpenAI has unveiled ChatGPT Enterprise, an artificial intelligence (AI) tool with a focus on enterprise-grade security and privacy. ChatGPT Enterprise also has a range of enhanced features that aim to elevate productivity and creativity in the workplace, the company said in a Monday (Aug. 28) blog post. Since the launch of ChatGPT nine months ago, that tool has […]