Data Strategy news and trends

JPMorgan: A Digital Strategy Without A Data Strategy Is No Strategy
Digital-First Banking // August 10, 2021

These are busy days for Lisa Davis, managing director, head of digital channels at J.P. Morgan Chase. As she told Karen Webster in a recent interview, bringing commercial clients’ far-flung activities together in one digital effort — from mobile apps to file transmissions to APIs...

FIS: Why Retailers Must Put Payments At The Tip Of The Spear
Retail // September 21, 2017

As consumers, payments and channels evolve, many traditional merchants have been holding onto solvency by their fingernails. Most would not call the experience “fun.” But, according to FIS senior vice president Chris Storbeck, the constant change in the marketplace is exactly what makes it interesting and,...

Interviews & Exclusives
Treasury Management Playbook Dials Up New Cash Flow Strategies

May 31, 2024
At a time of higher interest rates and heightened market volatility, actionable insights and forecasting take on greater importance for corporate treasury teams. For example, better cash flow prediction can allow treasurers to manage liquidity more tightly, minimizing financing costs. However, the wealth of data now available to large companies does not automatically transform into […]

JPMorgan: A Digital Strategy Without A Data Strategy Is No Strategy

August 10, 2021
These are busy days for Lisa Davis, managing director, head of digital channels at J.P. Morgan Chase. As she told Karen Webster in a recent interview, bringing commercial clients’ far-flung...

FIS: Why Retailers Must Put Payments At The Tip Of The Spear

September 21, 2017
As consumers, payments and channels evolve, many traditional merchants have been holding onto solvency by their fingernails. Most would not call the experience “fun.” But, according to FIS senior vice president...