Data Vault news and trends

77% of Consumers See Data Security as Important Facet of Payment Vaults
Commerce Connected // January 23, 2023

As many of us live so much of our daily lives online, data security remains top of mind. Eighty percent of consumers have saved their payment details online, whether on merchants’ websites or apps, indicating a willingness to get what we need and have as...

Report: Tokenization And Data Vaulting Take The Sting Out Of PCI Compliance
Payments Innovation // October 02, 2020

Adhering to Payments Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standards (DSS) is an unavoidable requirement for any and all eTailers that accept card payments, but a surprising number of firms are not up to speed on these standards. Some businesses fail to undergo the routine audits...

Interviews & Exclusives
Payments Vaults Evolving as Retailers Prioritize a Secure Consumer Experience

February 16, 2023
Payments vaults are moving to the forefront of many businesses’ customer experience strategies. Joseph Meuse, vice president of product management at Spreedly, told PYMNTS in a recent interview that vaulting has always been done in some form or another — it’s simply the concept of storing a card. In their current form, these secure apps […]

77% of Consumers See Data Security as Important Facet of Payment Vaults

January 23, 2023
As many of us live so much of our daily lives online, data security remains top of mind. Eighty percent of consumers have saved their payment details online, whether on...

Report: Tokenization And Data Vaulting Take The Sting Out Of PCI Compliance

October 02, 2020
Adhering to Payments Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standards (DSS) is an unavoidable requirement for any and all eTailers that accept card payments, but a surprising number of firms are...