Dave Barrowman news and trends

The Amazon Whole Foods Deal Is Done — Now What?
Amazon // August 28, 2017

Just a few short months from the merger announcement, and as of this week, the deal is done: Amazon officially owns Whole Foods. To celebrate the news, grocery prices at Whole Foods are going down — quite an out of the gate change of direction...

Bricks And Mortar, With A Dash Of Service For Customer Stickiness
Data Drivers // July 25, 2017

Can bricks-and-mortar survive the eCommerce onslaught? In an interview with PYMNTS’ Karen Webster, Dave Barrowman, who serves as Vice President of Innovation at Skava, said that in the physical retail space, the death of physical retail remains greatly exaggerated. With some ingenuity and attention to...

Interviews & Exclusives
Using AI To Power The Retail Experience

September 19, 2017
When is milk not milk? This is no trick question — it’s a distinction that artificial intelligence (AI) is going to have to learn to make in order for eMerchants to fully leverage the potential of machine learning. To one customer, “buy milk” means buy a gallon of whole milk; to another, a 1.4-liter jug of […]

The Amazon Whole Foods Deal Is Done — Now What?

August 28, 2017
Just a few short months from the merger announcement, and as of this week, the deal is done: Amazon officially owns Whole Foods. To celebrate the news, grocery prices at...

Bricks And Mortar, With A Dash Of Service For Customer Stickiness

July 25, 2017
Can bricks-and-mortar survive the eCommerce onslaught? In an interview with PYMNTS’ Karen Webster, Dave Barrowman, who serves as Vice President of Innovation at Skava, said that in the physical retail...