David Excell news and trends

Fed FraudClassifier Offers Consistent View of Data Across Banks
Security & Fraud // October 07, 2022

In financial services, you can’t fight the bad guys until you know what weapons they’re bringing to the battle. And how they’re mounting their attacks. Easier said than done, where financial institutions (FIs) are grappling with the waves of bots, account compromises and synthetic IDs....

Quick Reads
Featurespace Unveils AI ‘Large Transaction Model’ to Combat Fraud

October 24, 2023
Anti-fraud tech firm Featurespace has introduced TallierLTM, which it describes as the first artificial intelligence (AI) “large transaction model.” The new tool, announced Tuesday (Oct. 24), is the industry’s first generative large transaction model (LTM), designed to offer a significant improvement when it comes to differentiating between genuine consumers and bad actors. “What OpenAI’s LLMs have done for language, […]