Developing Nations news and trends

Deep Dive: The Latest Initiatives To Expand Mobile IDs
Authentication // July 12, 2019

The world’s population is expanding and many citizens — particularly those in developing nations — have no means of proving their identities, restricting their access to vital services like education and healthcare. This is a crisis so pronounced that the United Nations listed the issue...

Hackers Find New Avenues for Attacks Via Developing Nations
Security & Fraud // July 04, 2017

Hackers are on the lookout for new ways to attack, and now it looks like developing nations may be a favored conduit. As noted by The New York Times, some sophisticated attacks are surfacing, and they show bells and whistles such as artificial intelligence.  In...

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Hackers Find New Avenues for Attacks Via Developing Nations

July 04, 2017
Hackers are on the lookout for new ways to attack, and now it looks like developing nations may be a favored conduit. As noted by The New York Times, some sophisticated attacks are surfacing, and they show bells and whistles such as artificial intelligence.  In one example, malicious software is being traced to India, where […]