Digital Consumer Report news and trends

Why Contextual Commerce Is Retail’s Future Now
Omnicommerce // February 12, 2019

Shopping is a social experience in more ways than one. Consumers are busy, attached to their smartphones and used to scrolling past thousands of product images per day. They’re using social apps like Instagram to make purchases  right from their feed instead of heading to...

How Lowe’s AR Bridges The Gap Between Real And Imaginary
Omnicommerce // November 01, 2018

Buying and selling home improvement goods has long been a source of frustration for consumers and merchants alike. For shoppers, installing something only to dislike how it looks means having to dismantle and return it. To solve this problem, many retailers are looking to utilize...

NEW REPORT: Retailers Face An Augmented Reality Check
Omnicommerce // October 31, 2018

Augmented reality (AR) has long been associated with games like Pokémon Go and Zombies, Run! However, AR is now rewriting the rules of the retail game. A growing number of retailers are leveraging the technology to entice customers with a “try before you buy” shopping...

NEW REPORT: Are AI And ML Actually Transforming Retail?
Omnicommerce // September 19, 2018

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are blurring the divide between online and in-store shopping, and bringing an all-new human element into retail. By incorporating visual recognition technology and artificial intelligence into their business models, retailers like Neiman Marcus, IKEA, H&M, west elm and...