Digital Fraud news and trends

FIs Depend on AI/ML Partners to Fight Next-Gen Fraudsters
Fraud Prevention // December 06, 2023

PYMNTS Intelligence recently found that more than 40% of financial institutions (FIs) see increasing fraud and financial crime. This advancing wave likely poses a significant threat to the financial services industry. Security is a top concern, and these institutions need cutting-edge tools to fight this...

Credit Unions Counter the Growing Risk of AI Fraud
Digital Banking // September 06, 2023

Digital banking has become the primary way many members engage with their credit unions. These interactions are typically quicker and more convenient than traveling to a physical branch or an ATM. However, these transactions are also more susceptible to fraud. Criminals can more easily impersonate...

Companies and Regulators Scramble to Counter the Threat of AI Deception
Artificial Intelligence // August 25, 2023

How do we decide whether a human, artificial intelligence (AI) or a combination of the two created a piece of text? Some studies find that more than half of individuals cannot accurately identify content made by AI chatbots such as ChatGPT. The implication for regulators,...

PYMNTS Intelligence: Why FinTechs Are Leaning Into AI to Fight Changing Fraud Threats
Fraud Prevention // July 13, 2023

As financial fraud evolves in the digital age, the picture that emerges is a complex one. On one hand, fraud in 2022 was at its lowest rate since 2014, affecting 65% of organizations. Signs also indicated that companies were duly implementing measures to combat it,...

Interviews & Exclusives
FIs Depend on AI/ML Partners to Fight Next-Gen Fraudsters

December 06, 2023
PYMNTS Intelligence recently found that more than 40% of financial institutions (FIs) see increasing fraud and financial crime. This advancing wave likely poses a significant threat to the financial services industry. Security is a top concern, and these institutions need cutting-edge tools to fight this rising tide of fraud and financial crime. FIs typically use […]

Credit Unions Counter the Growing Risk of AI Fraud

September 06, 2023
Digital banking has become the primary way many members engage with their credit unions. These interactions are typically quicker and more convenient than traveling to a physical branch or an...

Banks Aim AI at Fraud Management but Need Help

May 30, 2023
A substantial number of Americans can expect to experience digital fraud at least once in their lifetime. A recent study found that bad actors have stolen or compromised the personal...

Prepaid Debit Cards and Apps Help Seniors Avoid Falling Prey to Hackers and Scams

March 29, 2023
The risk of mismanaging funds is high among people living with dementia. And according to Jayne Sibley, co-founder at U.K. FinTech startup Sibstar, this is not only challenging for those...

Quick Reads
Intel, FiVerity, Fortanix Fight Digital Fraud in Financial Services With Confidential Computing

April 19, 2022
Digital fraud prevention platform FiVerity, multi-cloud security company Fortanix and Intel have teamed up to help financial services companies fight digital identity fraud through confidential computing, according to a joint press release Tuesday (April 19). Through the partnership, FiVerity will employ data privacy technology at banks and financial institutions to give control over their personally […]

Dibbs Taps Socure for ‘Know Your Customer’ Platform, Identity Verification

April 05, 2022
Socure, which provides digital identity verification and fraud solutions, has announced that Dibbs, the real-time blockchain marketplace, will be using its platform to provide a better onboarding experience, a press...

Kount Launches Solution To Protect Businesses From Friendly Fraud

October 28, 2019
Digital fraud prevention company Kount is rolling out a complete solution to protect companies from criminal and friendly fraud, the firm announced in a press release on Monday (Oct. 28). ...

Uber Sues Fetch Media For Fraudulent Ads

September 20, 2017
Uber has filed a lawsuit against Fetch Media, accusing the mobile ad company of improper billing for fraudulent ads and falsely taking credit for app downloads. According to Adweek, the...