Digital Privacy news and trends

PayPal Joins Coinbase Crypto Compliance Initiative TRUST
Cryptocurrency // August 23, 2022

Payments giant PayPal joined the Coinbase compliance initiative called the Travel Rule Universal Solution Technology (TRUST), launched in February as an industry-driven solution to comply with the requirement, while at the same time protecting the security and privacy of digital assets customers. TRUST is a...

NJ Legislators Propose Tighter Data Privacy Regulations
Regulation // March 02, 2020

Lawmakers in New Jersey are proposing a bill to solidify data privacy guidelines and inflict tougher limits on the tech industry, The Wall Street Journal reported on Monday (March 2). The bill mandates that tech firms get authorization from New Jersey consumers before collecting and...

NY Governor Calls For Inquiry Into Facebook’s Data Practices
Facebook // February 24, 2019

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo called on the New York’s Department of State and Department of Financial Services to investigate Facebook after The Wall Street Journal reported late last week it could be getting its hand on much more personal information than smartphone users were previously...

Digital Privacy, Security Issues Take Spotlight At Congressional Hearings
Regulation // September 05, 2018

Top executives from Twitter and Facebook sought to reassure U.S. lawmakers on Wednesday (Sept. 5) that they can better protect users from election interference from foreign sources as the November midterms approach. The move comes amid increasing global focus on matters related to online privacy...

Interviews & Exclusives
Mastercard: The “Five Factors” Of Biometrics

June 13, 2017
In the early days of the internet, passwords were relatively friction-free for one reason: there weren’t a lot of places on the internet to use them, so remembering a slew of them wasn’t hard — because it wasn’t necessary. But as time passed and the internet exploded, consumers were faced with remembering many more of them, which today and for […]

Quick Reads
PayPal Joins Coinbase Crypto Compliance Initiative TRUST

August 23, 2022
Payments giant PayPal joined the Coinbase compliance initiative called the Travel Rule Universal Solution Technology (TRUST), launched in February as an industry-driven solution to comply with the requirement, while at the same time protecting the security and privacy of digital assets customers. TRUST is a platform that allows cryptocurrency exchanges to securely send the information […]

NJ Legislators Propose Tighter Data Privacy Regulations

March 02, 2020
Lawmakers in New Jersey are proposing a bill to solidify data privacy guidelines and inflict tougher limits on the tech industry, The Wall Street Journal reported on Monday (March 2)....

NY Governor Calls For Inquiry Into Facebook’s Data Practices

February 24, 2019
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo called on the New York’s Department of State and Department of Financial Services to investigate Facebook after The Wall Street Journal reported late last week...