Digital Twins news and trends

How the B2B Metaverse Opportunity Enables Tomorrow’s Industrial Economy
Metaverse // June 17, 2024

As innovative technologies become more commonplace, the opportunity to unlock value becomes more accessible. And with the news Friday (June 14) that industrial metaverse company DataMesh raised a new funding round to develop its enterprise metaverse platform, tapping into the potential that digital ecosystems offer...

Virtual Replicas of Real-World Assets Help Companies Design for Efficiency and Innovation
artificial intelligence // March 11, 2024

Artificial intelligence (AI) and digital twins are teaming up to help companies make smarter decisions by mirroring real-world assets and analyzing data.  Digital twins are virtual replicas of physical objects and systems that can be made more useful with AI algorithms that analyze and learn...

AI Learning Turns Industrial Metaverses Into Digital Handymen
Metaverse // October 27, 2022

The digital twin of its 20,500 miles of tracks, signals and train stations German rail network Deutsche Bahn is building in an industrial metaverse uses a huge array of Internet-of-Things (IoT) sensors to let operators see what is happening in real time in a visually...

Linking Digital Twins to Make an Industrial Metaverse
Metaverse // October 21, 2022

In this second article in PYMNTS industrial metaverse series about the fledgling use of private enterprise virtual realities, we’ll look at how companies are building “digital twins” up and down their supply chains to create a complete, real-time picture of what’s happening in their business...

Interviews & Exclusives
How the B2B Metaverse Opportunity Enables Tomorrow’s Industrial Economy

June 17, 2024
As innovative technologies become more commonplace, the opportunity to unlock value becomes more accessible. And with the news Friday (June 14) that industrial metaverse company DataMesh raised a new funding round to develop its enterprise metaverse platform, tapping into the potential that digital ecosystems offer is top of mind for forward-thinking firms, particularly those in […]