Digitizing B2b Payments Tracker news and trends

SMB Insurance Claims Problems Have A Digital Fix
B2B Payments // February 10, 2021

Businesses rely on a variety of insurance plans, ranging from workers compensation that pays for medical care should employees get injured on the job to auto insurance protecting company vehicles. Firms that have dutifully paid their premiums each month expect their insurance coverage to be...

Deep Dive: A Digital Prescription For Treating The Medical Sector’s Manual AR, AP Pains
B2B Payments // December 29, 2020

The healthcare sector has been put under a global microscope due to the pandemic, but many businesses in the industry are facing revenue losses despite high demand for COVID-19 care and increased telehealth use. Consumers looking to reduce the spread of disease by avoiding public spaces have opted to delay optional treatments while...

Deep Dive: How The Pandemic Is Pushing Nonprofits To Accelerate B2B Digitization
B2B Payments // November 03, 2020

  Nonprofits’ unique revenue models are causing them to struggle more than most other businesses during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. One recent study found that 73 percent of these entities reported revenue dips during the first half of 2020, and these losses are being felt on...

How Emergency Assistance Foundation Is Tapping Digital Payment Tools To Speed Up Disaster Relief, Payments
B2B Payments // November 02, 2020

When disaster strikes, nonprofits mobilize to extend grants and funding to partnering businesses, but payments can go awry when they use legacy B2B payment tools to disburse those funds. In the latest Digitizing B2B Payments Tracker, Doug Stockham, president of international disaster-relief nonprofit Emergency Assistance...

Interviews & Exclusives
Comerica Bank: Finding The Digital Fix For Accounts Receivables

August 17, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has made businesses and banks race to find solutions for immediate problems in recent months, but these firms must also consider how the pandemic could affect their operations in the long run. Many firms — especially small- to mid-sized businesses (SMBs) — have seen their cash flow affected badly as consumer spending […]

How Tokio Marine Fast Tracks Business Insurance Claims Payouts

June 22, 2020
The new coronavirus has led many businesses and consumers to seek out ways they can receive payments more quickly, but for some, this is only the latest development in a...

Why It’s So Hard To Kill The Check In The Booze Business

April 28, 2020
 The new coronavirus swiftly impacted small- and mid-sized businesses (SMBs) rather harshly, with these entities now struggling to manage remote workers who need to send out paper invoices to suppliers...