Distributed Ledgers news and trends

Euro Banking Association Outlines Use Cases For Digital Currencies
Digital Payments // May 23, 2017

The Euro Banking Association (EBA) announced Monday (May 22) that it issued a new information paper looking at benefits and uses cases of digital currencies for international payments and correspondent banking practices. In a press release, the trade group said the new paper explores business models for distributed...

Interviews & Exclusives
For ICOs, Smoke, Sizzle, Or SoS?

September 04, 2017
The 1960s TV show “Lost in Space” featured a robot that would stand pat, robot arms akimbo, shouting in its robot voice, “Danger, Will Robinson, danger!” The filming was crude, the presentation abysmal, with the robot just a step or two up from tin cans joined together. It worked. The makeshift oracle more often than […]

Quick Reads
Euro Banking Association Outlines Use Cases For Digital Currencies

May 23, 2017
The Euro Banking Association (EBA) announced Monday (May 22) that it issued a new information paper looking at benefits and uses cases of digital currencies for international payments and correspondent banking practices. In a press release, the trade group said the new paper explores business models for distributed ledger technology in relation to payments and transaction banking. “Having […]