Dongles news and trends

Argus Cyber Security Hacks Car Using Dongle Device
Security & Fraud // April 17, 2017

Argus Cyber Security, the Israeli cybersecurity company, said late last week that it was able to hack into a vehicle’s internal communication system using a device installed in cars by insurance companies to track driving patterns, or for car owners who want in-vehicle Wi-Fi. According to...

Interviews & Exclusives
xPressTap: mPOS Without The Dongle

August 07, 2017
A payments solution that requires micromerchants to buy — and then wait for — special hardware isn’t much of a solution if you ask Joe Lynam, chief executive officer and co-founder of payments technology firm xPressTap. For that matter, a solution that only works for some merchants and some customers can never be the true cash […]

Quick Reads
Argus Cyber Security Hacks Car Using Dongle Device

April 17, 2017
Argus Cyber Security, the Israeli cybersecurity company, said late last week that it was able to hack into a vehicle’s internal communication system using a device installed in cars by insurance companies to track driving patterns, or for car owners who want in-vehicle Wi-Fi. According to a report in The Wall Street Journal, Argus Cyber Security is […]