Drugs news and trends

Interpol Warns Food Delivery Drivers May Be Transporting Drugs

April 30, 2020
Food Delivery Drivers May Be Transporting Drugs
Drug Dealer’s Best Friends Are Bitcoin, Prepaid Debit
Alternative Finances // September 12, 2014

For those who say there is no e-commerce application for social media the drug dealing population of Instagram stand as a stark, if weird, counter-example.  These enterprising black market enthusiasts present a convenient online marketplace for pot, heroine, cocaine and pretty much anything else the...

Department of Defense Sees Bitcoin as Possible Terrorist Threat
News // May 06, 2014

The virtual currency is seen as a potential finance threat because of an unclassified memo that was discovered.

Quick Reads
Interpol Warns Food Delivery Drivers May Be Transporting Drugs

April 30, 2020
A worldwide police force has issued an alert warning that criminal organizations are using food delivery services to transport drugs as countries remain locked down during the COVID-19 pandemic. The International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol), the Lyon, France-based global law enforcement agency, said suspects have been arrested delivering cocaine, marijuana, ketamine and ecstasy by bicycle, […]

Drug Dealer’s Best Friends Are Bitcoin, Prepaid Debit

September 12, 2014
For those who say there is no e-commerce application for social media the drug dealing population of Instagram stand as a stark, if weird, counter-example.  These enterprising black market enthusiasts...