Duckduckgo news and trends

Smaller Tech Firms Back Measure to Rein in Big Tech Competitors
Big Tech // September 13, 2022

More than a dozen tech companies whose products offer alternatives to those produced by technology giants have come out in favor of federal regulation that would rein in the largest companies. DuckDuckGo, which offers a privacy-focused search engine that competes with Google, and Mozilla, the...

Privacy-Protecting Search Engine DuckDuckGo Nets $100M After 55 Pct Traffic Increase
Investments // June 17, 2021

DuckDuckGo, the search engine which puts users’ privacy first, completed a $100 million funding round recently, a company blog says. The investors included included OMERS Ventures, Thrive, GP Bullhound, Impact America Fund, Brian Acton, Tim Berners-Lee, Freada Kapor Klein, Mitch Kapor, and others, the blog...

Google’s Search Engine Option Menu In Europe Gets DOJ Attention
Google // June 05, 2020

Google’s move to provide a menu in Europe, which began showing up on new tablets as well as smartphones and lets users select a search engine other than its own at setup, has reportedly captured the interest of Justice Department lawyers, The New York Times...

Privacy Concerns Spark Fresh Moves In Digital World
Safety and Security // August 22, 2019

The push to offer more online privacy to increasingly concerned consumers continues. This time, it’s a move from Google, but it’s unclear how far these efforts will really go, and whether they will have a major impact anytime soon on consumer perceptions of online trust...

Interviews & Exclusives
Privacy Dynamics Return to Forefront of Connected Consumer Concerns

April 02, 2024
In a dynamic connected economy landscape, where every click, swipe and tap leaves a digital footprint, the notion of privacy has become an elusive concept, sought after yet increasingly challenging to attain. Recent events, such as the settlement between tech behemoth Google and several users over the improper collection of data during “incognito” browsing sessions, […]

Inventor Of The Web, Tim Berners-Lee, Wants To Take It Back

October 02, 2018
What would one say about a computer geek who said he could protect their online identity, and while doing do would make a bold move against the likes of Facebook and...

DuckDuckGo Takes On Google Search

September 14, 2018
Think of online privacy as a race. With consumers increasingly focused on how their data and web personas are used by eCommerce and other digital organizations, regulators and lawmakers are...

Quick Reads
Smaller Tech Firms Back Measure to Rein in Big Tech Competitors

September 13, 2022
More than a dozen tech companies whose products offer alternatives to those produced by technology giants have come out in favor of federal regulation that would rein in the largest companies. DuckDuckGo, which offers a privacy-focused search engine that competes with Google, and Mozilla, the longtime purveyor of a browser that competes with Microsoft’s, both […]

Privacy-Protecting Search Engine DuckDuckGo Nets $100M After 55 Pct Traffic Increase

June 17, 2021
DuckDuckGo, the search engine which puts users’ privacy first, completed a $100 million funding round recently, a company blog says. The investors included included OMERS Ventures, Thrive, GP Bullhound, Impact...

Google’s Search Engine Option Menu In Europe Gets DOJ Attention

June 05, 2020
Google’s move to provide a menu in Europe, which began showing up on new tablets as well as smartphones and lets users select a search engine other than its own...

Will Privacy Worries Change Online Search Habits?

September 14, 2018
How do consumers really want to search online? That’s a question with obvious relevance to payment and commerce operators. Perhaps a better, more specific question is this: Even with Google’s...