Economic Data news and trends

Payments Execs View Data as the Compass for Navigating Uncertain Times
Opinion // April 16, 2024

“The only thing we can count on is uncertainty,” Albert Einstein once observed. And while the statement is universal, and applies to pretty much any endeavor in life, uncertainty is an ongoing hallmark in business — especially in the payments realm.  The past four years...

Real-Time Data Helps CEOs Manage Economic Uncertainty
CFO // April 05, 2023

Market shifts and macro turmoil have savvy CFOs examining internal processes to ensure sustainable growth. “I think every CFO right now is concerned about macroeconomics,” Arlen Shenkman, president and CFO at Boomi, told PYMNTS in a recent conversation. “When you’re in a rising interest rate...

Consumer Spending Increases In June Driven By Restaurants, Accommodations
Economy // July 31, 2018

Driven by spending at restaurants and on accommodations, U.S. consumer spending increased in June, setting the stage for a strong economy heading into the third quarter. According to a report in Reuters citing the Commerce Department, consumer spending rose 0.4 percent in June. Meanwhile, data was...

Labor Market Heats Up, But Whither Services Sector?
Economy // August 04, 2017

The U.S. labor market in 2017 is getting a bit tighter. And at the same time, the services sector is slowing bit, as measured by economic data in July, dinging what Reuters reported is a “brightening economic outlook.” The news headlines showed that the number...

Interviews & Exclusives
Real-Time Data Helps CEOs Manage Economic Uncertainty

April 05, 2023
Market shifts and macro turmoil have savvy CFOs examining internal processes to ensure sustainable growth. “I think every CFO right now is concerned about macroeconomics,” Arlen Shenkman, president and CFO at Boomi, told PYMNTS in a recent conversation. “When you’re in a rising interest rate environment where it’s unclear whether or not you will have […]

Quick Reads
Business Spending Increases More Than Expected

May 24, 2024
New orders for manufactured durable goods increased by 0.7% in April. Orders increased by $1.9 billion to $284.1 billion during the month, the U.S. Census Bureau said in a Friday (May 24) press release. April’s increase in orders for durable goods followed a 0.8% increase in March and marked the third consecutive month of increases, according to the release. […]

Consumer Spending Increases In June Driven By Restaurants, Accommodations

July 31, 2018
Driven by spending at restaurants and on accommodations, U.S. consumer spending increased in June, setting the stage for a strong economy heading into the third quarter. According to a report...

Labor Market Heats Up, But Whither Services Sector?

August 04, 2017
The U.S. labor market in 2017 is getting a bit tighter. And at the same time, the services sector is slowing bit, as measured by economic data in July, dinging...