Economic Recovery news and trends

Retailers Lag Broader Main Street Business Recovery in Q3
SMBs // November 15, 2022

The small- to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) on Main Street, USA, were some of the hardest hit in March 2020, and pandemic recovery, though swift, has stagnated. These SMBs’ index scores have climbed nearly 18% from their Q2 2020 low, but quarter-over-quarter growth has slowed to...

New Data Shows Main Street Businesses Rebuilding for Post-Pandemic Economy
SMBs // April 21, 2022

With 130,000 permanent closures in 2020, small- to mid-sized businesses (SMBs) suffered economic impacts early on in the pandemic. Today, the SMBs that typically drive economic growth in small towns and cities across the United States continue to face headwinds such as emergent inflationary pressures,...

New Survey Shows Main Street Businesses Fighting Economic Uncertainty With 3 Key Investments
SMBs // March 15, 2022

Main Street U.S.A. business owners have endured two years of false starts and lost sales due to the pandemic, but many are optimistic about putting it behind them. Fifty-six percent say revenues will increase in 2022, a notable improvement from the 45% reporting yearly revenue...

Two-Thirds Of US Main Street Businesses Show Optimism Despite Inflation, Economic Uncertainty
SMBs // January 12, 2022

Successful Main Street business owners have always had to be resourceful and quick-thinking, but these capabilities have been tested more than ever during the past two years. Despite two years of upheaval, Main Street business owners look forward to the year ahead, hoping it will...

Interviews & Exclusives
Retailers Lag Broader Main Street Business Recovery in Q3

November 15, 2022
The small- to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) on Main Street, USA, were some of the hardest hit in March 2020, and pandemic recovery, though swift, has stagnated. These SMBs’ index scores have climbed nearly 18% from their Q2 2020 low, but quarter-over-quarter growth has slowed to just 0.7%. This is on par with United States gross […]

New Data Shows Main Street Businesses Rebuilding for Post-Pandemic Economy

April 21, 2022
With 130,000 permanent closures in 2020, small- to mid-sized businesses (SMBs) suffered economic impacts early on in the pandemic. Today, the SMBs that typically drive economic growth in small towns...

Quick Reads
American Companies Like Starbucks, Ralph Lauren Bet on China’s Post-COVID Recovery

February 26, 2023
American companies in several industries are banking on increased post-pandemic consumer demand from China. A report Sunday (Feb. 26) by The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) cites a number of examples of this trend, including Starbucks and McDonald’s opening new locations, “I remain more confident than ever that we are still only in the early chapters […]

Poll: Economists Predict Two-Plus Years For US Economy To Recover

July 27, 2020
As lockdowns resume in many U.S. states from a surge in coronavirus cases, a poll suggests the economic recovery has slowed. In a Reuters survey, economists warned any job recovery...

UK Retail Spending Back To Near Pre-Lockdown Levels

July 24, 2020
Britain’s stores have become the envy of the retail world. Reuters reports retail sales returned to near pre-COVID-19 lockdown levels last month when so-called non-essential stores in England reopened. In...

UK Moves To Support Jobs, Boost Economic Recovery

July 08, 2020
The British government will provide cash bonuses and other incentives to employers that re-hire workers who were laid off as a result of COVID-19, Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak...