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Google Reports 7 Out of 10 Generative AI Unicorns Are Cloud Customers
Google // July 25, 2023

The tech industry has been buzzing over generative artificial intelligence (AI) for months. But has the technology, whose capabilities are being promoted as the next big leap forward for the sector, completely reshaped the landscape? When OpenAI launched its headline-grabbing (and crafting) ChatGPT tool last fall, observers...

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Report: JPMorgan Global Head of Payments Georgakopoulos to Step Down

June 03, 2024
Takis Georgakopoulos, JPMorgan Chase’s global head of payments, is reportedly leaving the banking giant. Georgakopoulos, who has headed that division since 2017, will step down to pursue other ventures, Reuters reported Monday (June 3), citing an internal memo. According to the report, Max Neukirchen and Umar Farooq have been named as his successors, effective immediately. […]