Elections news and trends

OpenAI to Implement Digital Credentials to Prevent Misuse in Elections 
Artificial Intelligence // January 15, 2024

OpenAI is taking steps to prevent the misuse or exploitation of its artificial intelligence (AI) technology in upcoming global elections.  The company is continuously updating its approach to address the challenges associated with the use of AI tools in elections, OpenAI said in a Monday...

Crypto Firm Donations Increase as Midterms Approach
Cryptocurrency // November 06, 2022

Cryptocurrency firms have drastically stepped up their political donations as the U.S. midterm elections approach, hoping a new Congress can offer some protection from increased government regulations. As The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported Saturday (Nov. 5), crypto companies and their workers have made $73...

Hopes for Crypto Regulations Fade as Midterm Elections Approach
Cryptocurrency // October 05, 2022

Neither the House of Representatives nor the Senate will pass a crypto regulation bill before the elections next month. That’s a pretty safe prediction, given that neither chamber will be in session again before Election Day on Nov. 8. And after that, if either chamber...

Brazil Asks WhatsApp to Delay ‘Communities’ Launch
Politics // July 29, 2022

Citing concerns about the spread of misinformation in their country’s upcoming election, Brazilian prosecutors are asking messaging platform WhatsApp to hold off on the debut of a new feature called “Communities.” Communities will allow users to expand their messaging circles, reaching 2,560 people at once,...

Quick Reads
India Warns Tech Companies Against Releasing ‘Unreliable’ AI

March 04, 2024
India wants tech companies to get government permission before launching untested artificial intelligence (AI) products. The country’s IT ministry has said tools that are “unreliable” or still being trialed must get the government’s go-ahead before release, Reuters reported Monday (March 4). As Reuters notes, the government’s actions came soon after a top minister criticized Google’s Gemini AI […]

OpenAI to Implement Digital Credentials to Prevent Misuse in Elections 

January 15, 2024
OpenAI is taking steps to prevent the misuse or exploitation of its artificial intelligence (AI) technology in upcoming global elections.  The company is continuously updating its approach to address the...

Crypto Firm Donations Increase as Midterms Approach

November 06, 2022
Cryptocurrency firms have drastically stepped up their political donations as the U.S. midterm elections approach, hoping a new Congress can offer some protection from increased government regulations. As The Wall...

Brazil Asks WhatsApp to Delay ‘Communities’ Launch

July 29, 2022
Citing concerns about the spread of misinformation in their country’s upcoming election, Brazilian prosecutors are asking messaging platform WhatsApp to hold off on the debut of a new feature called...