Elevate news and trends

Elevate on Deploying Behavioral Analytics as Part of a Multilayered Security Stack
Authentication // April 28, 2022

Single-layered security systems are no match against daily fraud threats that attempt to saturate automated defenses with multiple fake applications at once. In the latest "Monetizing Digital Intent Tracker," Ryan Prince, senior data scientist for Elevate, explains why behavioral analytics is a must-add to a...

Why Data Scientists Say Behavioral Analytics Is a Security Stack Must-Have
Authentication // April 27, 2022

While the pandemic accelerated the digital shift around the world, it also allowed fraudsters the opportunity to refine and build on their techniques. The Federal Trade Commission reported that in 2021, consumers lost $5.8 billion to fraudsters, but this number most likely is a lowball,...

Mastercard: Serving The Financial Needs Of The ‘New Middle Class’
Financial Inclusion // April 27, 2018

Welcome to the middle class! Congratulations, you made it! Good luck getting approved for a credit card with that low or nonexistent credit score, though. Traditional lenders may not use this exact phrasing, but the sentiment might as well be on the cover of the...

Elevate Goes Public; Stocks Closes Higher On First Day Of Trading
Consumer Finance // April 10, 2017

Elevate Credit, the lending startup that last year delayed its initial public offering, went public late last week, beginning trading on the New York Stock Exchange. According to a report in TechCrunch, the IPO priced at $6.50 a share and finished its first day of...

Interviews & Exclusives
Why Data Scientists Say Behavioral Analytics Is a Security Stack Must-Have

April 27, 2022
While the pandemic accelerated the digital shift around the world, it also allowed fraudsters the opportunity to refine and build on their techniques. The Federal Trade Commission reported that in 2021, consumers lost $5.8 billion to fraudsters, but this number most likely is a lowball, as much fraud was likely not reported. The variety of […]

Mastercard: Serving The Financial Needs Of The ‘New Middle Class’

April 27, 2018
Welcome to the middle class! Congratulations, you made it! Good luck getting approved for a credit card with that low or nonexistent credit score, though. Traditional lenders may not use...

Quick Reads
Elevate Goes Public; Stocks Closes Higher On First Day Of Trading

April 10, 2017
Elevate Credit, the lending startup that last year delayed its initial public offering, went public late last week, beginning trading on the New York Stock Exchange. According to a report in TechCrunch, the IPO priced at $6.50 a share and finished its first day of trading at $7.76, up 19 percent. The shares were expected […]

Elevate Gearing Up For $100M IPO In The US

March 31, 2017
Elevate, the subprime lender based in the U.S., is considering launching an initial public offering (IPO) again thanks to the rally in financial stocks since President Donald Trump won the...