Elliptic news and trends

Report: Record Number of NFTs Stolen in July
NFTs // August 24, 2022

A record number of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) were reportedly stolen in July, joining the over $100 million worth of NFTs taken between July 2021 and July 2022. Although the prices and sales of NFTs have dropped following their surge in 2021, there are still many...

Elliptic: Cross-Chain Payments Bridges Are DeFi’s Next Big AML Battleground
Cryptocurrency // August 11, 2022

In case you thought the biggest problem with cross-chain bridges used to make payments between blockchains was that they are fantastically vulnerable to hackers, with a staggering $1.3 billion stolen in just the first six months of 2022, now it turns out they are excellent...

Location of Terra’s Bitcoin Reserve Unknown Following Transfers
Bitcoin // May 15, 2022

Billions in bitcoin, bought as a reserve by the Luna Foundation Guard (LFG), a foundation set up by the failed Terra blockchain, is now untraceable after being moved to two crypto platforms, Bloomberg wrote Saturday (May 14). LFG reportedly bought $3.5 billion of bitcoin between...

Forensics Firm Finds Digital Wallets Tied to Sanctioned Russians
Cryptocurrency // March 14, 2022

A crypto forensics firm said it has uncovered information on a digital wallet that could be linked to Russian oligarchs and officials facing sanctions. As Bloomberg News reported Monday (March 14), the wallet has “significant crypto-asset holdings,” according to Tom Robinson, co-founder of the forensics...

Quick Reads
Report: Record Number of NFTs Stolen in July

August 24, 2022
A record number of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) were reportedly stolen in July, joining the over $100 million worth of NFTs taken between July 2021 and July 2022. Although the prices and sales of NFTs have dropped following their surge in 2021, there are still many scams being perpetrated by thieves, according to a Reuters report […]

Location of Terra’s Bitcoin Reserve Unknown Following Transfers

May 15, 2022
Billions in bitcoin, bought as a reserve by the Luna Foundation Guard (LFG), a foundation set up by the failed Terra blockchain, is now untraceable after being moved to two...

Forensics Firm Finds Digital Wallets Tied to Sanctioned Russians

March 14, 2022
A crypto forensics firm said it has uncovered information on a digital wallet that could be linked to Russian oligarchs and officials facing sanctions. As Bloomberg News reported Monday (March...

Today in Crypto: Ukraine Gets $10M in Crypto Donations; US DOJ Charges BitConnect Founder in...

February 27, 2022
The swift recovery of bitcoin from its lows has seen some investors happy for a potential rebound, CoinDesk reported Friday (Feb. 25). According to the report, the rebound is likely...