Emoji news and trends

Google CEO Responds To Burger Imbroglio
Google // October 30, 2017

Google’s cheese placement is stirring up a bit of controversy, according to news from CNN. Apparently, the tech firm’s version of a burger emoji displays the cheese slice placed below the meat patty, rather than on top. Writer and media analyst Thomas Baekdal called attention to...

Tencent Shutting Down WeChat Tipping On iPhones
Apple // April 21, 2017

A popular feature that allowed WeChat users to tip emoji and content creators for their work will be shut down after parent company Tencent confirmed that in its current instantiation it is not compliant with Apple’s in-app purchase policies. Though the issue has been negotiated...

Weird Commerce Black Friday Gift Guide
weird commerce // November 25, 2016

Today is the frenetic chaos that is Black Friday. Amid the rush, there are some quirky and surprising things that are overlooked or forgotten. Turns out Walmart sells 10 times as many pajamas as TVs. Amazon sells up to 320 products … per second. And...

Barclays Helps Brits Talk About Money With Emojis
Merchant Innovation // July 15, 2016

While talking about money is awkward in most parts of the world, talking about money in the U.K. is particularly uncomfortable, if recent data can be believed. Apparently about a third of U.K. citizens would rather remain unpaid on a debt than actually have to ask...

Quick Reads
Google CEO Responds To Burger Imbroglio

October 30, 2017
Google’s cheese placement is stirring up a bit of controversy, according to news from CNN. Apparently, the tech firm’s version of a burger emoji displays the cheese slice placed below the meat patty, rather than on top. Writer and media analyst Thomas Baekdal called attention to the culinary gaffe in an Oct. 28 tweet that quickly […]

Tencent Shutting Down WeChat Tipping On iPhones

April 21, 2017
A popular feature that allowed WeChat users to tip emoji and content creators for their work will be shut down after parent company Tencent confirmed that in its current instantiation...

Barclays Helps Brits Talk About Money With Emojis

July 15, 2016
While talking about money is awkward in most parts of the world, talking about money in the U.K. is particularly uncomfortable, if recent data can be believed. Apparently about a third...