Emojis news and trends

In Praise Of The Selfie And The Commerce It Drives
Mobile Commerce // June 23, 2018

National Selfie Day has passed into the history books once again. For those us who need a few days to let go of important holidays — warm emotions can take time to fade — perhaps a trip down memory lane will prove helpful, along with a...

Wild Animoji Are Taking The Internet By Storm
Apple // November 07, 2017

No longer do you have to wait for a Friday night on the town to hear that one friend’s Nicki Minaj impression. Now, with Apple’s new Face ID technology, she can send it to you anytime, accompanied by an animated animal face synced to the...

Facebook Looks Beyond ‘Like’ Button To Emojis
News // October 09, 2015

The days of only having the option to ‘Like’ something on Facebook may be numbered. The social networking site is now testing out a new feature called Reactions, which will allow users to express emotions about what they see coming across their News Feed, with the...

Quick Reads
Facebook Looks Beyond ‘Like’ Button To Emojis

October 09, 2015
The days of only having the option to ‘Like’ something on Facebook may be numbered. The social networking site is now testing out a new feature called Reactions, which will allow users to express emotions about what they see coming across their News Feed, with the emoji options: angry, sad, wow, yay, haha, love and, of […]