Entryless news and trends

Payments 2016: The Year Of Businesses No Longer Relying on Banks
Payments Innovation // December 28, 2016

PYMNTS consulted 21 payments executives from across the industry to share their insights on the biggest takeaways from 2016 as part of the “Payments 2016, The Year Of…” eBook. We posed the same question to each executive: If you had to answer the question, Payments was...

For Banks, Tech As Threat And Savior
PYMNTS Topic TBD // November 07, 2016

Pity the banks. Tech upstarts get all the digital and real ink when it comes to coverage. Banks get written off as financial services has-beens. But the reality is a little different, and as Mike Galarza, CEO of Entryless, explained to Karen Webster in last...

Entryless Integrates With Sage Live To Help SMBs
SMBs // October 06, 2016

Entryless, a cloud-based financial network that allows small and medium-sized businesses to react more quickly to the needs of their buyers and suppliers, announced an integration with accountancy platform Sage Live. This integration will improve companies’ ability to pay bills and complete accounts seamlessly. In...

Exclusive To PYMNTS: Sage Software Integrates With Entryless
Partnerships / Acquisitions // September 28, 2016

Exclusive news here at PYMNTS. Accountants are some of the hardest working people in finance, and now, their lives might just get a little bit easier. At least around tax time. Sage Software, a cloud accounting platform, announced its integration with Entryless to scale the...

Interviews & Exclusives
The Payments Innovation Power Shift

January 25, 2017
No longer is power solely in the hands of banks and financial institutions. As both consumers and businesses get smarter, payments innovation is anyone’s game. In the latest installment of the Commanders In Chief series, Sukanta Ganguly, CTO of Entryless, shared how the democratization of payments has reshaped the path to innovation.

For Banks, Tech As Threat And Savior

November 07, 2016
Pity the banks. Tech upstarts get all the digital and real ink when it comes to coverage. Banks get written off as financial services has-beens. But the reality is a...

Quick Reads
Payments 2016: The Year Of Businesses No Longer Relying on Banks

December 28, 2016
PYMNTS consulted 21 payments executives from across the industry to share their insights on the biggest takeaways from 2016 as part of the “Payments 2016, The Year Of…” eBook. We posed the same question to each executive: If you had to answer the question, Payments was the year of …, how would you answer, and how […]

Entryless Integrates With Sage Live To Help SMBs

October 06, 2016
Entryless, a cloud-based financial network that allows small and medium-sized businesses to react more quickly to the needs of their buyers and suppliers, announced an integration with accountancy platform Sage...