Epic news and trends

Highmark Teams With Google on AI-Powered Health Partnership
Partnerships // February 26, 2024

Highmark Health is working with Epic and Google Cloud to support payer-provider coordination. “Epic’s Payer Platform improves collaboration between health insurers and health providers,” the companies said in a Monday (Feb. 26) news release. “Now, by connecting to Google Cloud, the insights shared with payers...

Paymentus Expands Solutions for Patients, Healthcare Providers
Healthcare // October 04, 2022

Billing and payments platform Paymentus says it has expanded its solutions for healthcare providers while also offering new payment options for patients. According to a Tuesday (Oct. 4) news release, the company has expanded its solution for healthcare providers by certifying real-time bill posting on...

Deep Patient Data Powers Emerging Telehealth Marketplaces
Healthcare // September 12, 2022

Telehealth is evolving from its current transitory state to a permanent fixture in the treatment matrix — and it’s being powered by deeper integration with patient data that supercharges video visits. Of the many paths to innovation, the one of least resistance in this case...

Conference Highlights Growing Support for Standardized US EHR
Connected Economy // June 27, 2022

The move towards an interoperable national database of electronic health records (EHR) is advancing, as the public-private initiative is seeing large players step up to take part. As the 2022 annual conference of trade group America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) from got underway June 21-23,...

Interviews & Exclusives
Deep Patient Data Powers Emerging Telehealth Marketplaces

September 12, 2022
Telehealth is evolving from its current transitory state to a permanent fixture in the treatment matrix — and it’s being powered by deeper integration with patient data that supercharges video visits. Of the many paths to innovation, the one of least resistance in this case would be a telehealth platform built on a major electronic […]

Quick Reads
Highmark Teams With Google on AI-Powered Health Partnership

February 26, 2024
Highmark Health is working with Epic and Google Cloud to support payer-provider coordination. “Epic’s Payer Platform improves collaboration between health insurers and health providers,” the companies said in a Monday (Feb. 26) news release. “Now, by connecting to Google Cloud, the insights shared with payers and providers can be used to inform consumers of the […]

Paymentus Expands Solutions for Patients, Healthcare Providers

October 04, 2022
Billing and payments platform Paymentus says it has expanded its solutions for healthcare providers while also offering new payment options for patients. According to a Tuesday (Oct. 4) news release,...

Walmart Health Teams with Epic on Patient Records Portal

September 28, 2021
Walmart has announced a partnership with health records platform Epic to create a portal through which Walmart Health members, healthcare professionals, insurance carriers and others can access patients’ medical records...

Google May Get Boost In Fortnite Suit From Apple’s Policies

August 17, 2020
Google‘s less strict app-store policies give the search giant a better chance of beating game company Epic‘s lawsuit than fellow tech giant Apple has of winning a similar Epic case,...