Equifax Ceo news and trends

FTC Launches Investigation Into Equifax Breach
Security & Fraud // September 15, 2017

The Federal Trade Commission has launched an investigation into the data breach at Equifax that impacted 143 million consumers. According to a news report in Reuters, the move on the part of the FTC to disclose the investigation is rare for the government agency. “The...

Equifax CEO Vows To Make Changes, Protect Consumers In Wake Of Breach
Security & Fraud // September 14, 2017

Equifax Security chairman and chief executive officer Richard Smith recently penned an Oped in USA Today in which he vowed to provide protections to everyone who was impacted by a massive data breach that potentially affected 143 million customers. In his open letter to consumers,...

Quick Reads
FTC Launches Investigation Into Equifax Breach

September 15, 2017
The Federal Trade Commission has launched an investigation into the data breach at Equifax that impacted 143 million consumers. According to a news report in Reuters, the move on the part of the FTC to disclose the investigation is rare for the government agency. “The FTC typically does not comment on ongoing investigations,” spokesman Peter […]