Esentire news and trends

When Vendors Open Doors To Cyberattackers
B2B Payments // May 02, 2019

Organizations are ramping up cybersecurity investments in response to the ever-climbing threat of data breaches and cyberattacks. Last year saw record levels of venture capital pumped into cybersecurity startups, and researchers at Gartner expect companies to increase cybersecurity spend by 9 percent between 2018 and...

Simple Cyberattacks The Greatest Threat To SMEs
B2B Payments // May 09, 2017

Small and medium-sized enterprises are some of the largest targets for cyber attackers, and now analysts are warning that those attacks don’t have to be bold and big to make an impact. New research from eSentire found that “rudimentary” cyberattacks on SMEs are some of...

Interviews & Exclusives
Experts Say OpenAI and Amazon Are Keepin’ It Real for AI

May 08, 2024
In a world increasingly flooded with artificial intelligence-generated content, tech behemoths are now locked in a high-stakes battle to develop cutting-edge tools that distinguish between what’s real and what’s not. From OpenAI’s launch of a new system to identify images created by its own DALL-E 3 text-to-image generator to Amazon’s deployment of AI to spot fraudulent reviews, companies are attempting to stay […]