Ethics news and trends

This Week in AI: Ethics, Chips and Small Business Investments
Artificial Intelligence // March 08, 2024

This week in artificial intelligence (AI) news, more companies are pushing for an ethical use of the technology, while a new partnership aims to develop computer chips that will accelerate the widespread use of AI. Find out this week’s latest AI news here. Companies Drive...

Will AI’s Biggest Questions Find Their Answers This Year?
artificial intelligence // January 17, 2024

Technological innovations bring with them vast economic opportunities, but also an equal number of questions. These can include questions around their most effective use, questions around their impact both inside and outside of an organization, questions about their regulation and questions about their capabilities, to...

Deep Dive: Digital ID Systems Wrestle With Ethics
Authentication // November 07, 2019

Digital identities are flexibly changing forms as they gain ubiquity. Consumers around the world log in to eBay with their Facebook profiles, purchase lunches with Apple Pay and in some cases pay their taxes or register to vote with government-provided digital identities. Many expanding technologies...

The Science Behind Affirm’s Identity Data Play
Authentication // November 05, 2019

Digital identities are gaining popularity across industries as businesses, services and other operations increasingly move online. Consumers are normalizing the use of digital identifiers, such as biometrics or passwords, rather than presenting physical identity documents like driver’s licenses or passports. Even services that have existed...

Quick Reads
Judge in CFPB Credit Card Lawsuit Avoids Recusal

April 18, 2024
A judge in the banking industry/CFPB legal battle can remain on the case. That’s according to a ruling — made public Thursday (April 18) by Reuters — by a judicial ethics panel, which convened to determine whether U.S. Circuit Judge Don Willett needed to recuse himself because his son owns stock in Citigroup. Willett is hearing a […]

PEW: Most Americans Distrust Tech Leaders

September 22, 2019
Americans don’t trust members of Congress and are more likely to have confidence in journalists, police and the military, a Pew Research Center study reported Thursday (Sept.20). Researchers have discovered...

Facebook Kicked Out Of S&P Ethics Index

June 13, 2019
Facebook has been removed from a list of companies that are indexed by S&P Dow Jones Indices as socially responsible, according to a report by CNBC. The decision for the...

Google AI Ethics Council Set Back By Staff Petition

April 02, 2019
As Google pursues deals for cloud computing, the tech company formed a council to handle artificial intelligence (AI) challenges. The council is facing the departure of a behavioral economist, and...