Expense Fraud news and trends

Prolific Ransomware Attack Raises SMBs’ Security Concerns
B2B Payments // July 12, 2021

Business email compromise (BEC) scams continue to wreak havoc on businesses’ B2B payment workflows, but this week’s B2B Data Digest finds ransomware has once again stolen the spotlight. Analysis uncovers the stats behind one of the most prolific ransomware attacks on small to medium-sized businesses...

Brexit Raises The Stakes For B2B Payments Fraud
B2B Payments // December 28, 2020

Nacha is issuing a warning to accounts payable professionals with regards to the rising threat of fraud. In a recent announcement, Nacha said that a survey it conducted in collaboration with Blueflame Consulting and Research revealed the accounts payable department’s growing exposure to fraud risks,...

The Many Faces Of Employee Fraud
B2B Payments // October 21, 2019

Corporate fraud comes in many colors, but for many businesses, the most unexpected threat is the one looming from within company walls. This week, IBM announced a collaboration with Raw Seafoods to develop a blockchain solution to address supply chain fraud in the seafood industry,...

B2B Fraudsters Find New Twists In Old Scam Favorites
B2B Payments // October 07, 2019

Fraud never sleeps, and the corporate finance department cannot afford to stay behind on the ever-changing strategies of fraudsters. This week’s B2B Fraud Tracker looks at the latest cases and allegations of fraud, which show rising sophistication in fraudsters’ tactics: internal bad actors are no...