Facebook Privacy news and trends

Half Of Facebook Users Report Privacy Concerns Over Sharing Content
Facebook // June 01, 2018

Despite the revelations surrounding Cambridge Analytica, Facebook users don’t appear to be leaving the platform. A recent Thomson Reuters survey found that more than a quarter of survey participants are actually using Facebook more, eMarketer reported. In addition, 18 percent of users report using the...

Suspended Facebook App Left 3M Users’ Data Unsecured
Facebook // May 15, 2018

Facebook announced that it has suspended 200 apps as part of its ongoing investigation into third parties and the way they handle user data. The investigation is in response to the Cambridge Analytica scandal, where 87 million Facebook users had their data improperly shared with...

Facebook’s Big Reorg Moves Marcus To Blockchain
Facebook // May 09, 2018

Facebook just completed the biggest executive shakeup in its 15-year history, with several key players changing roles at the company. According to Recode, the changes, which were announced internally to employees on Tuesday (May 8), include David Marcus, the head of Facebook’s standalone messaging app,...

Most Users Staying Loyal To Facebook
Facebook // May 07, 2018

Despite Facebook’s recent data issues and a slew of negative press, a new poll shows that most of the social media site’s U.S. users are staying loyal — with some using the site even more now. Facebook has come under fire for recent data scandals,...

Quick Reads
44 Percent Of Millennials Have Unfriended Facebook

September 05, 2018
Facebook is losing its luster with some of its customers, as Pew Research finds that a “significant” share of its users have changed their relationship with the social media network during the past year. According to the report, 42 percent of Facebook users have taken a break from the platform during the past year, while […]

Suspended Facebook App Left 3M Users’ Data Unsecured

May 15, 2018
Facebook announced that it has suspended 200 apps as part of its ongoing investigation into third parties and the way they handle user data. The investigation is in response to...

Facebook’s Big Reorg Moves Marcus To Blockchain

May 09, 2018
Facebook just completed the biggest executive shakeup in its 15-year history, with several key players changing roles at the company. According to Recode, the changes, which were announced internally to...

Most Users Staying Loyal To Facebook

May 07, 2018
Despite Facebook’s recent data issues and a slew of negative press, a new poll shows that most of the social media site’s U.S. users are staying loyal — with some...