Fair Isaac Corp news and trends

Top News In Payments: FedEx Officially Launches Sunday Delivery; Uber CEO: Firm Leads In Race...
News // January 23, 2020

In today’s top news, FedEx officially expanded home delivery to include Sundays, Uber’s CEO believes his company is the most likely ride-hailing service to reach profitability, and the OCC prepares a civil suit against 10 former Wells Fargo executives for their roles in its retail...

FICO’s New Scoring Algorithm Promises Big Swings In Consumer Scores
Consumer Finance // January 23, 2020

Might the rising tide of debt slow to a trickle? If so, the U.S. consumer will likely find harder times ahead, if the credit spigot tightens. As reported by The Wall Street Journal on Thursday (Jan. 23), Fair Isaac Corp., which creates and maintains FICO...

Quick Reads
CFPB Targeting ‘Lack of Competition’ in Credit Reporting, Credit Scores

May 20, 2024
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is looking to improve “competition, choice and affordability” in credit reporting costs and other mortgage closing costs. In prepared remarks for a speech at a Mortgage Bankers Association conference, CFPB Director Rohit Chopra said Monday (May 20) that the agency is doing so at a time when mortgage lenders have told it that costs for credit reports and scores […]