Fair Use news and trends

An IP Expert Deconstructs Artificial Intelligence’s Right to Create
artificial intelligence // July 21, 2023

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities are transforming the world. But will their ability to generate fabricated video, audio and text-based content based on copyrighted material in real time run up against a brick wall of preexisting laws? Or does something have to give? After all,...

Interviews & Exclusives
An IP Expert Deconstructs Artificial Intelligence’s Right to Create

July 21, 2023
Generative artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities are transforming the world. But will their ability to generate fabricated video, audio and text-based content based on copyrighted material in real time run up against a brick wall of preexisting laws? Or does something have to give? After all, individuals and organizations with questionable intent have been spoofing and […]

Quick Reads
OpenAI Sued by Authors for Copyright Infringement

September 11, 2023
A group of authors has reportedly filed a lawsuit against OpenAI, accusing the Microsoft-backed program of misusing their writing for training its popular artificial intelligence (AI)-powered chatbot, ChatGPT. The authors claim that OpenAI copied their works without permission to teach the AI system how to respond to human text prompts, Reuters reported Monday (Sept. 11). OpenAI did not […]